dryflow measurEment
flowFlex in-line measurment
In-Line Volumetric Scale with Flow Control is designed to work with grains, seeds, legumes, manufactured feed, or any dry-flowing product.
Reliable and less destructive than Impact Scales.
4 - 40 TPH or 40 - 120 Metric Tons Per Hour Design
+- 2% of Full Scale Accuracy Volumetrically
Full-Colour Touch Screen
Easy Calibration, with Multi-Material Selection
Remote Ethernet Communications or Hardwired Control.
Comptol CRT-25X to FlowFlex Conversion Kits are Available!
The unit just works, and over time, we have minimally modified it for better parts ability and reliability.
One controller operates on multiple scales, saving on costs and space.
Full Integration with the customer's System Via Ethernet.
Includes remote assistance software that can be accessed 24/7.
The front display is much larger and looks fantastic.
This unit was Installed in 2003 and is still running!
The FlowFlex is not an Impact Scale! Don't worry; our sophisticated frictionless electronic measurement design is not affected by vibration and won't mechanically wear out. The unit uses a precisely machined measuring system, and with regular calibrations, it is repeatable for years.
Comptrol CTR-25X replacement
Do you have a Comptrol CTR-25X scale in service or the control unit has either failed or is no longer repairable? Since the discontinuation in 2010, we have provided direct replacement and support. The changeout that we provide is a Long-Term solution that is reliable and off the shelf. The wiring is minimal, and all the connections are the same. It comes with complete "HOW TO" documentation.